14 Jun 15:32

Last week we presented the new dynamic silage heap. We have extended the morph mesh system extensively. Today’s video shows how you can distribute an already unloaded pile further in the silo using the front loader silage bucket. The displacement (silage pushing) hasn’t been integrated yet.

We are also currently revising the biogas plant (BGP): the terrain and road paths are being adjusted with appropriate optimizations for the AI. We have equipped the map with new silos with a width of 12 meters (39.4 ft). So you have enough space in the silo when it comes to compacting, for example. The silage heaps can be up to 3.5 meters (11.5 ft) tall. We’re programming the AI not to drive over the heap when it reaches a height of 2 meters and above, but rather to unload over in front of the silo, protecting the vehicle’s chassis.

In order to explain the new and changed features, we’re in the process of creating a new mission encompassing unloading into the silo, fermentation, and loading into the BGP’s bunker.

With the introduction of the new weather system and the adjustments of the plant growth, we are also extending soil fertilisation. Not only the weather will influence your plant growth but also the fertilization and thus the nutrient content in the soil.

Previous News

07 Jun 16:45

Due to the Community Manager’s vacation there were no separate threads concerning the news our moderators had posted here in the forum. We're still working on the most recently introduced …

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Next News

28 Jun 17:49

With the coming extensive plant growth changes we’d like to present you one of the contained aspects in a small video, displaying the effects of NPK fertilizer during plant growth. …

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